Friday, January 30, 2009


I finally know what I'm doing my grad project on the controversy dealing with parents allowing their children to receive immunization shots. Today I'm completing all my missing work due to the long time thinking of the right project to do.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

!!!! I HAVE IT !!!!

In class today I still have to complete my collage. Also, I have a new idea with my grad project dealing with infant immunization shot and parent agreeing on letting there children receive the shot or not.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Today I'm searching for pictures to start my collage project. I still don't have a question with my topic,soon I will have everything ready to go.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Still Nothing!! I'm trying to develop a topic still for this Grad Project I'm trying not to get behind. With my project I would like to get involved with teenage pregnancy still. I have alot of thing going threw my mind about this topic. I can touch on so many thing about it but I need the right one.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Assigment 1

With all the conversation that I had with 12th graders they told that the City High grad projects is very stressful and a lot of hard work. My brother use to attend City high last year. When he completed his project he told me to always stay up on my project at all times. Also the project is very stressful with the website and the whole project. Some interest that I would like to deal with is the treatment of teenage pregnancy .The main concern that I have is completing the project on time and receiving an A+ on it. HINT! HINT! MRS.SAVIDO!

Project project Project

Today I’m trying to complete my 3 parts that was due yesterday. Trying to pick the right project is very hard to do. Everything is starting including the research process. I have a lot of question dealing with my topic but I need to find the one essential question to begin.