Friday, February 27, 2009

!!!!!!!!!!!! ??????????????????? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today I am completing my question and notes in class. Looking for the answers for the note is difficult.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Today I'm working on my interview ?'s again to interview either on Friday or Monday with Mrs.Purdy.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Today I'm completing my questions for my foundation and also my interviews for Monday. Other than thinking of new questions my project everything is going good.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Part two of the interview questions. I would like to come up with at least 25 to 30 questions.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

???? INTERVIEW ?????

In class today I'm starting my interview questions to ask. I'm thinking of my action plan for class.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

!!!!!!!!! ALL CAUGHT UP ON WORK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Today I am completing my web assignment and I still have to do my did u know then I'll be caught up.

Friday, February 6, 2009

!!!! WORK DUE !!!!

Today our Webliograpghy is due for class. I'm finding alot of information about my topic.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Today im completing my ?Did u know ?and !web! work. I'm getting more information about my project everyday.


My topic is important because parents are scared to let their children receive immunization do to the many side affects. Their are 13 immunization shots to protect children from harmful diseases. Children receive 4 doses of diphtheria, tetanus & pertussis vaccine (DTaP) ,3-4 doses of Hib vaccine (depending on the brand used) ,4 doses of pneumococcal vaccine ,3 doses of polio vaccine ,2 doses of hepatitis A vaccine,3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine ,1 dose of measles, mumps & rubella vaccine (MMR) ,3 doses of rota virus vaccine ,1 dose of varicella vaccine , and 2-3 doses of influenza vaccine (6 months and older) (number of doses depends on child's birthday).As a parent children receiving those shots to preventing my child from harmful things is good , but also the side affects of the shots are sometime horrible to the child which makes parents confused about letting their children recieve those different type of shots.Dtap is not licensed for adolescents, adults, or children 7 years of age and older. A vaccine like any medicine is capable of causing serious problems such as severe allergic reactions. The risk of DTAP vaccine causing serious harm, or death, is extremely small.About 1 out of 14,000 children have seizures. 1 out of 1,000 children has non stop crying for 3 hours or more. 1 out of 16,000 children have a fever over 105 degrees F. The Dtap vaccine very rarly include long term seizures,coma, lowered conciousness,permated brain damage.

In 2005 about 51,000 people became infected with Hepatitis B. 1.25 million people in the US have chronic HBV infection. Each year 3,000 to 5,000 people die from cirrhosis or liver cancer caused by HBV. HBV of U.S children began in 1991. Reports incidence of acute HBV among children and adolescents has dropped by more than 95 % and by 75% in all age groups.

Pneumococcal infection causes severe disease in children under five years old.Before a vaccine was available each year pneumococcal infection caused over 700 cases of meningitis, 13,000 blood infections, and 5 million ear infection.If you didnt get vaccinated health problems include pneumonia,deafness, and brain damage. Up to about 1 infant out of 4 had redness,tenderness,or swelling where the shot was given.Up to about 1 out 3 had a fever of over 100.4F and up to 1 in 50 had a higher fever over 102.2 F. Some children also became fussy, or drowy or had a loss of appetite.

Monday, February 2, 2009


1.Do immunization shots cause autism?
2.Do immunization shots work to fight the disease?
3. What are some side affects of the shots?
4. Does religion play apart in the controversy?
5. What are the reasons parents stop their children from receiving the shots?
6.How does the shot effect the body?
7. Does any of the shots cause any deaths to children?
8.Without any shots are you a high risk to develop these disease?
9.Have the rate of catching the disease increase or decreased?
10.What types of chemicals are used in the vaccines?


Today I'm catching up on my work i just need to finsh my 8-10 major question, and post my collage. Everything is going good with my topic dealing with the controveresy with parents choice to give there children immunization shots.